Mara had her first trip to the library and it was with none other than her “little boy friend” Parker. Shannon & Bob’s sweet little boy who is now ~21 mos. old. You can see among these pictures they are having a great time. Atleast until Shannon & I get involved and make them hold hands, hug, and kiss each other. They were good sports.
Parker could not get enough of the door you see him coming out of at the library. It was a little playhouse area set up for the kids in the library. Very cute. However Shannon & I did get called down by the librarian because our kids were being too loud. Oh well, we were in the kids section. Who really wants to call down your little ones when they are apparently having such a great time and being very fun! You’ll see we worked in some quiet time with books. They picked out what they wanted to read.
Mara must get her own Preying Mantis toy from the science museum like Parker’s. She carried the thing everywhere once she got her little hands on it. Kind of creepy, if you just noticed it randomly you would’ve thought it was real!
We might visit there this weekend and see what’s going on so stay tuned for some pictures from the science museum too possibly .
I will allow you to hold my pointy finger but don’t distract me from my bug!
You can give me a kiss if I can hold your bug!