Being busy, it has been harder for us to post things. One thing we have noticed is that we haven’t posted video in a while. I thought I would try and grab some video of her playing lately. This was taken last weekend. She does very well with grabbing things now, and reaching out a ways to get them. She is also apt to jabber a little when she plays. Here Dad is trying to get her to say the “Ma” sound, but it apparent that her syllable of the day is “Da.” She tends to do that. Go on runs with a sound and continue for some time. She does it a lot, but rarely will repeat the sound that you are trying to instruct her to say. You will also see in the video that she is very aware of the sounds we make when out of the room and when we enter the room (I forgot until watching again today that I was changing out blown light bulbs in a lamp to get better lighting in this video).
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