Mara’s Blog Influencing the world one day at a time since 2005…

November 19, 2005

Mara Is Moving

Filed under: Announcements — Luke @ 11:25 pm

Sorry that there has not been a post in a while. But, Mara is moving so she is very busy. There is lots of packing of boxes, moving of boxes, and unpacking of boxes for her to do. She is too tired as of late.

Still, there are many things that shehas found time to do. She has about three teeth on the top side that have poked through. That has caused some high temperatures and crankiness at times. She is really on the verge of crawling. You have seen that in a couple recent posts. It seems like every day she moves a little more. She has also begun to try and pull up on just about anything she gets close to. And today for some spontaneous reason she decided it was the right time to reward Mom and Dad for all their constant hand waving to show that she can wave back. It was a suprise and a quantum leap from what she has done up to this point with a wave.

In short, she has been doing a lot to prepare for the new house. Unfortunately that means less time to post to the blog. We hope to get back to it soon.

Take care!


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