Audiences have been clamoring for it for weeks. OK, days. OK, never clamored. Dominican Republic…. The Video!
You’ll laugh. You’ll cry. You have never seen any movie like it before. Mara, a mild mannered reporter from the big city goes on her first adventure to an island in the Caribbean. She doesn’t speak the language, she doesn’t even know anyone. Whatever shall she do???!?!?!?!
I guess just jump in the pool. Mara had a blast with the new adventure of a family vacation. She has no fear of the pool, she gets her groove on (reminiscent of her younger days), learns a new language, and makes new friends. The video is a little long and, yes, there are parts where you cannot see much because of the sun. Somehow we will have to learn how to adjust for that in the future. Nevertheless I’m sure it will be entertaining (at least for the grandparents). The file is, as a result of length, very large. We broke the site record with this one. But, I didn’t want to reduce the quality so go get a coffee or something and let the computer simmer a while.
I suggest right clicking the link to the video and choosing “save as…” so that if anything funky happens the file is on your computer rather than having to download it again off the site and waste your time getting another coffee (I mean you just got one, right?).
64.7 MB / Time 25:32