We thought we would take a moment to thank those of you that have commented on the blog. Its always nice to know that people are watching our little lady grow up. If you haven’t had a chance to notice, along with every posting that we do there is a chance to put on your own comment if you like as long as you have registered on the site. At the bottom of every post is a comment link and it shows you how many comments have been left on the post.
Comment Link
If you click on the link you will go to a page that is more specific and has a detailed version of the single post that lists the comments at the bottom. As long as you are registered and logged in, a box will also appear that is where you can type in and submit your own comment as well.
Detailed Post Showing Comments
In order to register or login to the site, you can use the links that are in the right sidebar at the bottom.
Register and Login Links On Sidebar
Registering is easy, and once you login I think you actually will remain logged in by a cookie as long as you don’t delete or reset the cookie. So when you return to the site you likely won’t have to login every time.
When you visit the site, you can see what people are commenting on by looking on the right sidebar as well. If you have left a comment, this is where you can check to see if we have left you a response yet. You can click right in the sidebar to go see the comment.
Recent Comments Listed On The Sidebar
So its that easy. I have noticed that a few of you have been replying to the emails we send out for the notification of the posting. Commenting is another way to respond to us and letting everyone see what you think. If you ever have any trouble, please email us and we will help you out. Note that if you comment for the first time, it gets put in a cue for approval. After the first, other comments you leave won’t be delayed. So don’t worry if you don’t see your first comment on the site right away. Lets continue conversing on the site!