Reading already? Well, not really. But she puts on a good show.
One of the popular books at Mara’s daycare is “Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?” Mara has heard it so much and the wording is simple enough that she actually can recite the whole book. She showed off this skill at the beach and we taped it to play for everyone. The fact that she rarely looks at the book is a dead give away that she is not reading it. She needs to practice her faking more. Preston tries to get in on the act too.
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One of my favorites! Notice how she doesn’t even get distracted!
Comment by amypoythress — August 30, 2007 @ 11:22 am
Nothing could break that concentration. Pure focus.
I like Preston’s participation too.
Comment by Luke — September 7, 2007 @ 11:18 pm