Mara’s Blog Influencing the world one day at a time since 2005…

August 31, 2009

First Time Reading Mail

Filed under: Videos — Luke @ 8:53 pm

It has been a little while since we last checked in with Mara and her reading progress since seeing her off on her new adventure back in March. She did an amazing job getting through those BOB books and we were having some trouble finding the next step to take her on. The same series of books were no longer on sale at Costco, so we moved on to some other first reader books that we could find or just kept repeating what she already had read. Then the summer came and we enrolled Mara in a “summer camp” for reading put on through the UNC school system. She really enjoyed her first school-like setting and it was a great course to help parents to understand how to teach reading to their kids. It was one day a week for five weeks with some home lessons to do as well. It sounds more involved than it was, but the intent was to teach parents to teach their kids.

This year Mara will be attending Pre-K down the street. Her new teacher Miss Alicia sent a little introductory postcard to all of her students so this was one of her first personal pieces of mail. We saved it for her to read herself.

Here is a video of her reading the card. She had read it once to Mom earlier in the day. Mom indicated that she did even better the first time. Here she was a little distracted I think (with the camera on) and brother also comes by to interrupt. But she still does pretty good! There are some words in there I wouldn’t think she would get.

Postcard Video
Postcard Video

8.5 MB / Time 3:25


  1. Mara, you are a good reader. Uncle George and I are so PROUD of you! We look forward to you reading us another story, so save a special book to read to us. I bet Campbell loves for you to read to him too. Good job! Love, Auntie Mona & Uncle George

    Comment by Ramona — August 31, 2009 @ 10:21 pm

  2. Great job, Mara! You are really growing up!

    Comment by Begner — September 1, 2009 @ 11:11 pm

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