Mara’s Blog Influencing the world one day at a time since 2005…

January 25, 2010

Losing It

Filed under: Pictures — Luke @ 11:18 pm

About a month ago, Mara complained that she had hit her mouth on something. Like most occurrences like this that are not seen by the eyes of Mom or Dad, getting details was a little sketchy. What was clear, however, was that Mara said one of her bottom teeth hurt and now it was loose. So, did she knock her mouth on something hard enough to loosen her tooth?

Mara seems to be growing up faster than we think. It seems early, but a week or two later we could see that behind the loose tooth there was white in her gums and another tooth was coming up. Her tooth was certainly loose because she was loosing it for her permanent tooth.

Since that time the other tooth in the center right next to it is loose too. These teeth were her first to come in, so now they are the first to go. We have been working on the tooth for quite some time. Mara has been pushing it around trying to loosen it up, but gets scared and says it hurts.

LosingTooth 02


Well, tonight was the night. Mom asked to see how loose it had become and Mara went to push it over to show her, and “pop!” Out it came. Now the tooth fairy is coming for a visit.

LosingTooth 07

Now it’s out!


  1. MARA! CONGRATULATIONS! How lucky you are- the good fairy is coming to see you rather early. I hope you find something green under your pillow! Oh, how exciting! Love, G-Auntie Mona

    Comment by Ramona — January 25, 2010 @ 11:45 pm

  2. Congratulations, Mara– now you are really on your way to becoming a “Big Girl”! Remember to brush well–that new tooth will have to last you until you’re really old! Love, “Aunt Pat”

    Comment by Begner — January 26, 2010 @ 10:29 am

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