Mara’s Blog Influencing the world one day at a time since 2005…

November 3, 2007

Thanks Auntie Jen & Family!

Filed under: General — Mara @ 12:10 pm

Hi to all! I just wanted to wear my very fashionable new outfit Auntie Jen sent me! This kind of attire is what daddio refers to as the Evans ladies “uniform” because mommy and I like to wear them around the house all the time. Auntie Jen thanks for contributing to my wardrobe. Well mine and Grace’s actually because when I can’t wear it anymore I’ll give it to my very sweet and beautiful little cousin, Grace!

IMG 1359

June 22, 2006

My New Uncle

Filed under: General — Mara @ 4:12 pm

Check out my new Uncle, Conan. He married my Aunt Jen on Saturday, June 10th in Richmond, VA. Aren’t they a lovely couple. I didn’t get to go to the wedding because I probably would not have been able to sit still or be quiet for the whole hour long Catholic ceremony. It was beautiful though according to Mom & Dad!

Conan and I go way back though…here’s something you might not know about him. He put my red wagon together for me over Christmas this past year. That makes him tops on my list anyday!!!

UncleConan AuntJen

July 24, 2005

Over The Hills & Thru The Woods…

Filed under: Pictures — Mara @ 7:27 pm

Today I went to Nana’s house (a.k.a. maternal grandmother-Ann). It was very fun to see her because we haven’t visited in quite some time. I was a bit skeptical at first. For the last month I know who my parents are and people I see regularly but everyone else frightens me a little in the beginning. I usually warm up once the other person holds me but I can still see mom & dad close by keeping an eye on me.

She got to see me eat my sweet potatoes for lunch and grab at my bottle like I’m going to actually feed myself. Later in the day when I got tired she rocked me to sleep in her sqeaky rocking chair. It was nice being all cuddled up against her. When I left I had something to remember her by…I smelled her light perfume on me.

Nana and Mara

June 29, 2005

Eye Doctor Visit

Filed under: Doctor Visits — Mara @ 8:34 am

Yesterday I had to visit the eye doctor, because Mom and Dad had noticed that sometimes my pupils were different sizes. The doctor said that it was good that I came in to check it out because you never know, but I did not have either of the two medical conditions that are associated with this symptom. I am part of the 20% that just naturally have uneven pupils. Yay!

As a part of the exam they had to put these drops in my eyes that dilated my pupils so that the doctor could see in my eyes. This wasn’t fun. But what was even less fun was wearing the goofy glasses to protect my eyes from the sunlight. That’s why I didn’t cooperate too well for this picture. I look horrible in them!!

Mara Eye Doctor Glasses

June 17, 2005

4 month pediatrician visit

Filed under: Doctor Visits — Mara @ 9:54 pm

Today I went to the pediatrician for my 4 month appointment. I now weigh 12lbs 5.5oz and have reached a height of 23¼ inches. My head circumference is 39¾ centimeters.
They also had to stick me again not once but four times. I remember these same shots from my 2 month visit.
Since week 15 of life mom & dad have introduced Similac Advance formula to my diet. Mom’s milk supply was diminishing so that week I had some of both breast milk and formula but since then I’ve been strictly eating my formula.
I eat five bottles a day around three hours apart and between 6-7 ounces each time.
It has been going well though because I haven’t had any problems so far. I’m pooping more and mom & dad call my heavy pee pee diapers pee pee bricks because I go so much more now.
Dr. Lowe, my pediatrician, says I can now start eating 3-4 tablespoons of plain dry baby cereal mixed with formula 1-2 times a day. This should be fun for mom & dad since I push spit out of my mouth consistently throughout the day. I’m a very slobbery baby! Mom’s planning on going out tomorrow to purchase my new food so I can have some tomorrow. Knowing these two they will document it on film like they do everything else. It’s like the paparazzi live here with me!

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