Mara’s Blog Influencing the world one day at a time since 2005…

May 3, 2007

Smell The Flowers

Filed under: Pictures — Luke @ 11:08 pm

A little over a week ago, before Grandma left from helping us take care of Campbell, all of us took a trip to a local park for a picnic. We have been to this park before for a picnic, as it is really pretty to sit at. It was a Friday, and a beautiful day in the 70s. We ate KFC as it was easy to pick up and just seems to remind us all of a picnic food.

After lunch Mom and Campbell had to get back home for a visit from the smart start nurse. Dad, Mara and Grandma took a stroll around the park. Mara was looking at all the flowers and Grandma was asking her what colors they were. She got most right. She would go “ummmmm” then point really quick and exclaim the color. She was having so much fun. She also would like to smell them too. Although she was skeptical that they really had any smell, saying “noooooooo.”

Click on any of the pictures to see more of the album.

PicnicApr07 02

Take a whiff.

PicnicApr07 11

Mara and Grandma having a seat.

PicnicApr07 08

I’m as pretty as these flowers!

April 30, 2007

Big Day Saturday

Filed under: Pictures — Luke @ 10:10 pm

Mara had a pretty full day this past Saturday. It seems to be if there is one event, there is more.

It started with Zach’s birthday party around lunch time. After a full morning of play in the house, it was off to Jump N’ Fun to get some physical play. Believe it or not there are no pics of Mara enjoying the large blow up attractions (like a “moonwalk” from the olden days, but more variety). Instead after getting a little tired she retired to the small child play area, or play pen.

DurhamApr07 03

Having fun with little people toys.

Happy birthday Zach! After the party we drove out to Raleigh for a errand Dad had to run. The alternative motive was to take a ride to the Cheesecake Factory. There isn’t one in Greensboro, so any time we can get out there we try to. There was someone else that is beginning to think the Factory is a hit. Here is Mara diving into her first cheesecake. Although it was really the whipped cream that peaked her interest.

DurhamApr07 04

Ooooh, let me have some!

Lastly as we walked out of the Factory and waited for Mom and Campbell, Mara noticed the band that had setup shop. She quickly gave indication that she wanted to dance, so instead of returning for home right away we took a break in the common area to have a listen and let Mara do her thing. On top of shaking her booty, she loves to jump to the music.

DurhamApr07 05

Haven’t you heard of jump dancing?

You can see a few more pics by clicking through any of the ones above.

April 19, 2007

Red Robin Again

Filed under: Pictures — Luke @ 11:17 pm

Red Robin wasn’t necessarily a frequented location for dinner for the Evans family. That is until we realized that Red Robin came out from behind the scenes to visit with everyone in the restaurant on certain nights. He was an instant hit with Mara, in contrast to how she reacts to Santa Claus. Since the discovery we have been there to eat probably every week for the last three or four weeks.

With Grandma and Grandpa in town, we wanted them to be able to witness the phenomenon that is Red Robin first hand. So we went on up there on Tuesday to see what we could see. They got to see a kid as happy as can be with the bird.

RR Apr2

That’s No Kid.

Whoops, looks like Grandpa got more than he bargained for in his trip to eat a hamburger. Mara’s not the only one that likes the red bird.

RR Apr3

Uhhh, You See This Bird?!!?

Now this has officially become the first commercial building that Mara has acknowledged that she recognizes. When we drive into the parking lot she exclaims, “Red Robin!”

RR Apr5

Mara, Grandpa, And The Bird.

Click on any picture to see a couple more photos from Tuesday. The other pics are from our first visit. Oh, and Campbell was with us, but just snoozing.

April 14, 2007

New Baby Brother

Filed under: Announcements,Pictures — Luke @ 7:17 pm

It has been a very busy two days for the Evans Family! Our family has grown by one special new member, Campbell Reed Evans. Yes, that link is his website, so check it out!

Here you see Mara and Mom hanging out literally an hour before her baby brother, Campbell arrived. Mom looks so chipper because she just had her epidural at 5 p.m.


Smiles For Now.

Mara came for a visit this morning to finally meet her new brother.


I’m A Big Sister!

Grandma has been watching Mara for the last couple of days. Or Mara has been watching her maybe. Grandma says that if she doesn’t know where something is in the house, Mara is sure to let her know.


Grandma, Mara, and Campbell.

A video was planned for this post, but because of technical difficulties cruddy video editing software, the file is not ready. For now, you will need to seek satisfaction by looking at Campbell’s video.

April 8, 2007

Happy Easter!

Filed under: Pictures — Steph @ 7:20 pm



April 3, 2007

Baby Brother Preparation Underway

Filed under: Pictures — Steph @ 7:40 pm

So Sunday, April 1st, at the hospital Mara took a class called Big Sister/Big Brother. It’s designed for 2-5 year olds to prepare them for a sibling. She brought her baby doll as you will see by the pictures. They were taught how to diaper their dolls and wrap them up in a blanket. The blankets were crocheted and donated by volunteers and Mara got to pick hers out and keep it. Of course she picked the pink one for her girl doll! After those lessons we went upstairs to the nursery to see any babies that might happen to be in there. Luckily there was a little baby boy. She looked thru the nursery window at him and said, “Hi baby”! After that she got to visit an empty patient room so she will have some familiarity with it when she sees her mom there. All in all it was a good class and at the end believe it or not she “passed” and got to receive a certificate with a gold seal on it. She was ran up to the front of the room when they called her name to get it. Upon returning to mom and dad she showed us her gold seal saying, “ooooooo”!



Sure her baby is upside down in a photo and also her head is covered up with the blanket but hey, she’s working on this big sister thing, right? Click on the any picture to view the entire album.


March 17, 2007

Swim Fun

Filed under: Pictures — Steph @ 12:38 pm

As you well know from visiting the blog Mara is a huge fan of the water. If you say pool she’ll run to her chest of drawers and try to get her bathing suit. We headed to the pool just weekend before last with our little tadpole in tow and here are some of the photos of her splashing around. We also got a few shots right afterwards in the locker room getting cleaned up. She was worn out and ready for a nap. Usually on the way home from swimming we have a very hard time keeping her awake.
We are hoping that all this pool time will pay off with her somewhat able to swim/doggie paddle by our summer vacation. She already will kick, blow bubbles and put her face under with no problems. Usually she will do these things unsolicited too as if she’s showing off for us.
Click on the picture to see the all the photos!

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February 22, 2007

Primrose Party

Filed under: Friends,Pictures — Steph @ 8:02 pm

All day long we’ve been wishing Mara a happy birthday and telling her she’s two years old. She has gotten pretty good at answering the question, “How old are you?” She says, “two” in her tiny voice with her all of her fingers up in the air and the pointer and middle stuck together like that indicates two. Today at her daycare you can see she had a celebration with her “buddies” in the class as we call them. She even got to help make her very own birthday hat for the party. You can tell by the plates of goodies that party really just means time to get a sugar high. Interestingly enough she is not at all into the sweets. She didn’t even eat a bite of her tiny cupcakes. Instead she opted for the hard sprinkle decorations they put on top of the frosting of the cupcake.

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Next week Mara moves up a class into Early Preschool 1. Her teachers pictured here with her, Mrs. Rogers and Ms. Fenner will certainly be missed. They have been so good to us! They are wonderful teachers who have not only taught her a lot but also loved on her. Which, to our little love bug who is always asking for a hug or a kiss means so much! We are sad for her to leave the class where she is affectionately called “Mar Mar” by all. If you ask Mara whose baby are you when at daycare she’ll say “Fenner baby”. She has developed quite a bond with these two teachers so it’s a positive thing that her next class is just beside her old one so she can peek in and see them every once in a while.

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Tonight to celebrate Mara’s birthday we decided to take her out for her favorite food and the only one she has proactively asked for out of the blue which is….PIZZA!!!
We chose Elizabeth’s Pizza. How ironic given the fact that, Mario, the owner dropped by our table and we told him it was Mara’s birthday to which he replied, “mine too”. He was so kind and sent over a chocolate dessert with a candle for her. She had no problems blowing out the candle! She now knows the words to the birthday song and sang them to herself while we were there too. All in all I think she has had a great 2nd birthday. We’ve celebrated it so much it might be hard for her to stop!

Click on any of the pictures to see more!

February 20, 2007

My New Cousin, Grace Ann

Filed under: Announcements,Pictures — Steph @ 7:10 pm

Mara has a new cousin today as of 8:04 a.m. Grace Ann entered the world today at 5lbs 14oz and 19 and 3/4 inches long. She was a few weeks early (due March 15th) but is doing quite well. Jen and Conan are excited to welcome their first child into the family. They are all doing well. Jen must be quite a natural at this as it only took her 10 mins. of pushing to get her out! Go Jen!!!


click on the picture if you’d like to see more!

February 18, 2007

Shindig ’07

Filed under: Pictures — Luke @ 9:17 pm

Its a surprise to think we have gone one year already since the last party for Mara’s birthday. It was a smaller affair back then since the weather wasn’t so great that day. Grandma was the only one that made it. This year is a different story as we planned a larger party out of the house at The Little Gym. Mara had been there once before, but at that time she still wasn’t walking. So this was a totally different experience for her this time. She really loved it. It was even better that she could enjoy it with all her friends. Buddies like Zach, Anslee, and others…

Birthday07 07

Helloooooo Zachary

Birthday07 31

Jump Like This

Birthday07 93

Give Me Love Elephant!

The good people at The Little Gym had their act together and kept things moving with activities for the little ones. They blew bubbles, played with balls and basketball hoops, and even took a ride on a parachute.

Birthday07 22

One Of These Kids Is Doing Their Own Thing

The party wrapped up with some cake which everyone enjoyed. Mara then got to open some presents that her kind little friends brought for her. Thanks friends!

There are lots of pictures that were taken. Make sure you have some time, then proceed to browse the next link. 94 in all.
2007 Birthday Party

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