Mara’s Blog Influencing the world one day at a time since 2005…

December 31, 2007

Christmas 2007

Filed under: Videos — Tags: , , , , — Luke @ 7:16 pm

As mentioned on her brother’s site, we have some video from Christmas this year. Although a majority of the pictures over there were taken on Christmas Eve, this video was shot on Christmas day. It isn’t indicated in the video, but the first portion has all the kids at the beginning of the morning and them opening some gifts. The next portion of the video is just Mara opening some of the rest of her gifts while the younger ones take a nap. It just took so long to get through all the gifts that the kids got this year, we spent almost the whole morning opening things. Needless to say it was difficult getting them through the morning. With every gift for Mara she wanted to open it up and play with it right away. It took some finagling to get her to move on to the next gift each time. You might even catch a sourpuss face on her every once in a while as if she doesn’t want to open the gift, because she is still thinking about the last one we wouldn’t let her play with.

This is a VERY big file. Start to download it, then walk away for a little while.

Xmas07 Video
Xmas07 Video

139 MB / Time 27:53

December 5, 2007

It’s Crafts Time

Filed under: Pictures — Tags: , , — Luke @ 2:19 am

As the holiday approaches, Mara has been busy preparing. Lisa is great for getting Mara to do some crafts. She indicates that Mara’s top request during the day is “let’s make something.” I am always surprised at the ideas that Lisa comes up with.

Last week she took the kids to the mall for Ladybug Club, which is a monthly event they put on. The event is different every time. This month, in addition to other things, they gave away a kit to make a snowman card. Guess which one is Mara’s.

XmasCrafts07 01

Proud Artist

This past weekend Mom went up to Richmond to go to an event called Bizarre Bazaar where they have different vendors. There Mom got Mara and Campbell both a mini Christmas Tree. Just yesterday Mara and Lisa decorated hers.

XmasCrafts07 03

Here Are The Finished Products

If you click through you can see a couple of other pictures.

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